söndag 9 oktober 2011

Sunday Autumn running

Wanted to combine running with photography - a bit of a hassle to run with a small pocket camera but hopefully this will drive me back to the trails quicker! Slow pace but a nice run in fairly chilly weather - too optimistic to only have shorts on..! Cheers.

söndag 18 september 2011

Beginning to increase the pace

Need to do some intervals soon - still too weak in the hilly sections

söndag 3 juli 2011

torsdag 2 juni 2011

Barefoot running, some more videos

Plugging into the knowledge flow

In the same spirit as the last post - time to get into this world!

Looked at this list and selected the top three blogs to subscribe to via Google Reader. These were Complete Running Network, Running and Rambling and finally Runblogger. From some quick browsing it seems like the last two are more geared towards the minimalist approach, and the first a bit more generic/mainstream. I'll start with these and see where it takes me :)

Will go to that Runners store tomorrow and try out some new shoes - less padding FTW